Friday, July 13, 2018

Wireless Security Tutorial

Wireless Security Tutorial

Wireless security is nothing but protecting computers, smartphones, tablets, laptops and other portable devices along with the networks they are connected to, from threats and vulnerabilities associated with wireless computing. This is an introductory tutorial that covers the basics of Wireless Security and how to deal with its various modules and sub-modules.


This tutorial will be extremely useful for professionals who aim to understand the basics of Wireless Security and implement it in practice. It is especially going to help specialists like network engineers, database managers, analysts, programmers and other such professionals who are mainly responsible for applying appropriate countermeasures to secure devices and applications.


It is a fundamental tutorial and you can easily understand the concepts explained here with a basic knowledge of how to secure your applications of devices from any external threat. However, it will help if you have some prior exposure to various security protocols dealing with computers, applications, and other related devices.

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