Saturday, July 14, 2018

Testing of Simple Substitution Cipher

Testing of Simple Substitution Cipher

In this chapter, we will focus on testing substitution cipher using various methods, which helps to generate random strings as given below −
import random, string, substitution
def main():
   for i in range(1000):
      key = substitution.getRandomKey()
      message = random_string()
      print('Test %s: String: "%s.."' % (i + 1, message[:50]))
      print("Key: " + key)
      encrypted = substitution.translateMessage(message, key, 'E')
      decrypted = substitution.translateMessage(encrypted, key, 'D')
      if decrypted != message:
         print('ERROR: Decrypted: "%s" Key: %s' % (decrypted, key))
      print('Substutition test passed!')

def random_string(size = 5000, chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits):
   return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
if __name__ == '__main__':


You can observe the output as randomly generated strings which helps in generating random plain text messages, as shown below −
After the test is successfully completed, we can observe the output message Substitution test passed!.
Thus, you can hack a substitution cipher in the systematic manner.

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