Friday, July 13, 2018

Kali Linux - Reporting Tools

Kali Linux - Reporting Tools

In this chapter, we will learn about some reporting tools in Kali Linux.


In all this work that we have performed, it is important to share the results that was produced, to track our work, etc. For this purpose, Kali has a reporting tool called dradis which is a web service.
Step 1 − To start Dradis, type “service dradis start”.
Step 2 − To open, go to Applications → Reporting Tools → dradis.
The web URL will open. Anybody in LAN can open it in the following URL https://IP of kali machine:3004
Log in with the username and password that was used for the first time.
LAN Open
Step 3 − After logging in, you can import files from NMAP, NESSUS, NEXPOSE. To do so, go to “Import from file” → click “new importer(with real-time feedback)”.
Import Real Time
Step 4 − Select the file type that you want to upload. In this case, it is “Nessus scan” → click “Browse”.
Upload Manager
If you go to the home page now, on the left panel you will see that the imported scans have are in a folder with their host and port details.
Port Details


Metagoofil performs a search in Google to identify and download the documents to the local disk and then extracts the metadata. It extracts metadata of public documents belonging to a specific company, individual, object, etc.
To open it, go to: “usr/share/metagoofil/”.
To start searching, type the following command −
You can use the following parameters with this command −
  • –d (domain name)
  • –t (filetype to download dox,pdf,etc)
  • –l (limit the results 10, 100 )
  • –n (limit files to download)
  • –o ( location to save the files)
  • –f (output file)
The following example shows only the domain name is hidden.
Hidden Domain Name

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