Saturday, July 14, 2018

Jython - Using Java Collection Types

Jython - Using Java Collection Types

In addition to Python’s built-in data types, Jython has the benefit of using Java collection classes by importing the java.util package. The following code describes the classes given below −
  • Java ArrayList object with add()
  • remove()
  • get() and set() methods of the ArrayList class.
 Live Demo
import java.util.ArrayList as ArrayList
arr = ArrayList()
print "ArrayList:",arr
arr.remove(10) #remove 10 from arraylist
arr.add(0,5) #add 5 at 0th index
print "ArrayList:",arr
print "element at index 1:",arr.get(1) #retrieve item at index 1
arr.set(0,100) #set item at 0th index to 100
print "ArrayList:",arr
The above Jython script produces the following output −
ArrayList: [10, 20]
ArrayList: [5, 20]
element at index 1: 20
ArrayList: [100, 20]

Jarray Class

Jython also implements the Jarray Object, which allows construction of a Java array in Python. In order to work with a jarray, simply define a sequence type in Jython and pass it to the jarrayobject along with the type of object contained within the sequence. All values within a jarray must be of the same type.
The following table shows the character typecodes used with a jarray.
Character TypecodeCorresponding Java Type
The following example shows construction of jarray.
 Live Demo
my_seq = (1,2,3,4,5)
from jarray import array
arr1 = array(my_seq,'i')
print arr1
myStr = "Hello Jython"
arr2 = array(myStr,'c')
print arr2
Here my_seq is defined as a tuple of integers. It is converted to Jarray arr1. The second example shows that Jarray arr2 is constructed from mySttr string sequence. The output of the above script is as follows −
array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
array('c', 'Hello Jython')

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