Friday, July 13, 2018

Eclipse - Add Bookmarks

Eclipse - Add Bookmarks

About Bookmarks
Eclipse editors allow you to place a book mark on any line within the editor. You can use bookmarks to serve as reminders and quickly navigate to any line in a file.

Adding a Bookmark

To set a bookmark, right-click on the vertical ruler near the line on which you want the bookmark and select Add Bookmark. In the Add Bookmark dialog box enter a name for the Bookmark.
Add Bookmark
A bookmark icon appears in the vertical ruler. Also, a row is added to the table in the Bookmarks view.
Bookmark View

Opening the Bookmarks View

To open the Bookmarks view −
  • Click on the Window menu and select Show View → Other.
  • In the filter text box enter Bookmark.
  • Under General, select Bookmarks.
Show View
  • Click on OK.

Using the Bookmarks View

The Bookmarks view shows bookmarks placed in resources across the workspace.
Bookmark View Workspace
Using the Bookmarks view you can navigate to a bookmark by double clicking on a bookmark or right clicking on a bookmark and selecting "Go to" menu item.

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